by Nassib Nicholas Taleb
Another book about the advantages of uncertainty.
Recommended by Veronica

Coaching Agile Teams
by Lyssa Adkins
An excellent book on team building. How to teach your team to be self-organised.
Recommended by Veronica

Discovering KANBAN
by David Anderson
The origin story of the Kanban Method
Recommended by Veronica

Emotional Intelligence
by Daniel Goleman
An insight into people. It is not our IQ, but our emotional intelligence that plays a major role in thought, decision-making and individual success.
Recommended by Peter

Getting Things Done
by David Allen
A classic book on personal productivity and management skills.
Recommended by Veronica

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
by Richard Bach
All about breaking your inner barriers.
Recommended by Peter

KANBAN in 30 Days
by Tomas & Jannika Bjorkholm
Great KANBAN theory/principles and how to implement.
Recommended by Peter

Leadership Mindset 2.0
by R Michael Anderson
Fortune 200 Entrepreneur I have had the pleasure of meeting and his guide to leadership.
Recommended by Peter

Radical Candor. How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean
by Kim Scott
Recommended by $B biotech start up mgmt.
Recommended by Peter

Reinventing Organisations
by Frederic Laloux
A guide to creating organisations inspired by the next stage in human consciousness.
Recommended by Veronica

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
by Jeff Sutherland
The SCRUM Bible.
Recommended by Peter

Spiral Dynamics
by Don Beck, Christopher Cowan
A great book explaining why different people (and organizations) are at different levels of maturity.
Recommended by Veronica

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen R Covey
More of a manual on how to manage yourself. Required repeated reading/action.
Recommended by Peter

The 8th Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness
by Stephen R Covey
How to make the leap from the 7 habits.
Recommended by Peter

The Black Swan
by Nassib Nicholas Taleb
The phenomenal international bestseller that shows us how to stop trying to predict everything – and take advantage of uncertainty.
Recommended by Veronica

The Fearless Organization
by Amy C Edmondson
How to create psychological safety at work for learning, growth and innovation.
Recommended by Peter

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
by Patrick Lencioni
A classic book about teamwork.
Recommended by Veronica

The Great Scrum Master
by Zuzi Sochova
All about the role of a Scrum Master and the values of SCRUM.
Recommended by Veronica

The Inner Game of Work
by Timothy Gallwey
Overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance.
Recommended by Veronica

The Secrets of Facilitation
by Michael Wilkinson
The main book on facilitation.
Recommended by Veronica

The Toyota Way
by Jeffrey K. Liker
The 14 Lean Management principles which can also be applied to knowledge work.
Recommended by Peter

Tribal Leadership
by Dave Logan, John King, Halee Fischer-Wright
All about corporate culture, how to build a thriving organisation.
Recommended by Veronica

Zero to One: Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future
by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters
Recommended by $B biotech start up mgmt.
Recommended by Peter