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Qualifications & Experience

Pauline Cairns is a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst and holds a MSc in IT with Business Intelligence.

Although having worked with data throughout her working life, Pauline started specialising in this area in 2018. Pauline has assisted Oil & Gas and Construction companies streamline processes, gain clearer near time views of the status of projects, monitor CO2 emissions, and gain insights into their finances. 

Prior to this, Pauline worked in finance for over 25 years. During this time Pauline qualified as a Chartered Banker and Chartered Tax Adviser. Pauline primarily worked for a Big Four accountancy firm providing tax advice to companies operating in the Oil & Gas Industry.

Pauline’s aim is to analyse data to help clients find more insights and streamline processes, resulting in access to valuable information in a timely manner.

Personal Interests & Volunteering

Pauline is an active member of the Data Community in Aberdeen, Scotland. Pauline enjoys attending data talks and can often be found at local hackathon events.

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